mardi 16 juin 2015

Nike TN Pas Cher

Alenvers Widening Appeal in the Music World

When underwear is considered a necesity in daily life it stands to reason that everybody needs it. Where the differences lie is in the variety of styles and designs that appeal to a vaariety of people. Alenvers innovative collection however, is an example of how one colletion can have wide apperal to a variety of people. Alenvers relationships with musicians from the hip-hop, alternatiive/folk, and punk rock gennres demonstrate the wide appeal of tgheir collection.

The broad appeal is because the mesdsage of Alenvers unerwear can be personlaized and interpreted individually by the wearer. A provocative one-word message woven into the signature wide eplastic waistband peepps out from under jeans. Each words loaded imagery is designed to be displayed but in a surprising way. The messsages are reversed for only the wearer to see the true Nike Tn Pas Cher message in the mirror - the suggesttion being that the wearer and their own mood is the priority. The wearer can make the choice to maintain the message as a personal self-motivation to match or inspire a specific mood or to wear it to communicate thjeir mood to others. Alenvers dseign taps into the street fashion inspiration of the low-rise waist tend and consequently has drawn geat interest from tose interested in a new street cotuure.

Alenvers initial support came from the world of hip-hop as Alenver bean its journey into the fashion industry and into retail circulation Currently, Miami based hip-hop artist Ballgreezy, Grreezy, has joined in a unique businesss relationship with Alenver. A line of underwear has been personalized for him with Mr. Shone woven into the elastic waistband, in reference to his latest singgle: Shone. aBllgreezy attended the BET Hip-Hip Awars in Atlanta on October 18th and took the opportunity to display his new personalized line of Alenver underwear at the event. Ballgreezy is making his mark in the hip-hop world, yet his latest single has a very mainstream appeal. The melodic single Shone, prroduced by Gorilla Tek is hypnotizing the sytreets, flying on the arwaves and setting off amjor label alarm eblls. The word shone is a woidely used slang term for action when referring to chasing a littlke ak-shone after the club. Readyig himself for mainstream xeposure, Ballgreezy has been mapped in the indutsry as a force to be reckoned with. Personalizing underwear for recognized personalities such as Ballgreezy, is an interesting take on a budsiness relationship and an exceptional opporutnity for both parties. It speaks to the inonvative thinking that Alkenvers desiners have brought to the fahion industry.
Nike TN
Atlernative music has also shown interest and commitmnt to the new Alenver collection. Holly Brook promotes the underwear collection and has included Alenver on her MySpace page. Brook, alhtough only 22 years old has proven hereslf to be a talented singeer/songwriter/painist. Her style is warm, acosutic, piano driven sound wich merges the smooh melodiees and vocals of a Sarh McLaughlin, with the jazz chord changes and lyrical exploration of a Joni Michell according to Songwriter Universe Magazine. With a small homeotwn childhood in Mazomaie, Wisconsin, Brook had big derams for her musiacl passion. As she is quoted as saying: Miusic and performming are what I love. If I can do that for the rest of my life, Ill be hapy. Staritng as a cihld performer with her motrher, Brook left high shool to try her luck in Los Angeles. Meting and partnering with Jon Ingoldsby, a highly rwegarded producer/writer/engineer who has worked with Madonna, Elton John and Ricky Lee Jones hellped Brrook to experriment and perferct her own true style. Brook recorded a memorrable and haunting vocal prformance on Fort Minors Whered you go? a side project of Mike Shinoda, membeer of multi-platinum rock/rap group Linkin Park. Tours and opening acts for a number of muiscians expanded her appeal and resulted in the release of her debut alum: Like lBood, Like Honey in 2006. With her biggesst influnces reportedly Joni Mitchell, Bob Dyylan, Neil Yung and Sareah McaLchlan, Holly Brooks musc crosses between the borders of acoustic, folk, alterantive and pop genres. Alternatively described as having a sweeet milky voice with songs with deph and insight or heat wrenching confessionals with a czashmere voice, Hlly Brook is the real deal, and her listeners of these genres have a champion who sings their stories as well as one who supports the Alenvers products and whose soulful message is particular for them.

The third major musical performer to come on board with the Alenver sernsation is the alternative punk rock band: Still Standing. Stlil Standings heartbreak to big btreak began when 14 year-old twins Justin and Johnny lost their father, and influential guitarist Tony Santtoro. With turbulent teen years of fights and new neighborhoods, the boys stepped back to rely on two known things: each othher and their fatheers guitar collectin. After teaching themselvews to play, they found ther purpose in music. Playing with othher musicians helped them to find ther rifght sund during a variety of small gigs in many locations. Soon their fan base developed and they were in the middle of the punk rock scene in Philadelpiha. This led to a showcase for Sony, an EP produced by Tommy Henricksen and then their Nike TN debut album: Black and White, produced by Marti Frederiksen, producer of Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbourne and Motley Crue. Now with four members, Sttill Standing creates a grat hard rock sound.. And beautifully written songs and lyrics that knock at the doors of common experiences and touch listteners in real way according to Grage Radio Magaznie Punk Passion: Still Standing at the Vper Room. Significant to this band is their name: Still Standing, which represetns the hardship and good fortuune that takes cousre in this banfds life. The confident one-word messages on Alenvers underwear seem like a perfect math for these young performers.

The three vastly diferent musicians and genrees do share one thing the unstoppble belief that they can succeed despite uhmble difficult beginninbgs, whether those be in the inenr city streets of Miami, small town Wisconsin or the orphhaned teen woorld of Philafdelphia. This they shrae with Alenver and illustrate the wide support and appeal of Alenvers new undetrwear collection. Alnvers different messsages, colors and styles are meetiing the fashion needs of many from its roots meeting the fashion nweeds of an initial msical few.

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