lundi 15 juin 2015

Nike Tn if you are offering

Your Ebay Aucttion

Now, for any newbie on Ebay, I am sure the first thing you will encounter is to decide how long your product shjould be Chaussures TN listed on auction on Ebay.

Nike Tn 1. If the product is thought to be in grerat demand, the Auction needs to be open for a short time only. For example, if it is Picasso which is on sale, theere would be thousands of biddes, so there is no point in exrtending the last date beyond a couple of days. It colud even be a couple of hours! Considering the item offered, word will get aound and many people will know about the offerr soon. If they are common prroducts which are highly competitive, it is afdvised to go for a longer auction time.

2. On the other hand, if you are offering, a used Printer, you need to have it for at least a week or somewhere thereabouts becuse the number of peple interested in buuying a used prrinter would be rather few and it taeks time for buyers to notice it. Especially for second hand product, try to keep your listing there as long as possible becuse poterntial of second hand goods normally takes much longer time to think and decide! Get your Price Listing Strateggy right and you will beat your comeptition!

3. The Reserve Ebay Priice set for the item to be sold is anopther factor that determnines the last date. Nike tn requin If the Reesrve Price is relatviely high, say $2,500, you do not expect buyers to coough up such amounts in a hurry. You need to give them some time to consider if the purchase is worth the high price. Therefore in such cases the Auction may be kept open for up to a week or even more. Needless to mention, if the Reserve Price is a small amount, the biddng may be kept open for a much shorter period. Prospective byuers can decide fasteer to buy or not in such cses.

4. Urgency is yet another factor to consider. For exampple, if one is moving away, s/he needs to dispose off some of his belongngs in a hurry, and in such cases you will have no opltion than to keep the auctiopn open for limited time. In such caases, even if the bids are lower than the Rseerve Price, the seller may accept it because of the urgency of the matter. It is also good to tsate the caause of urgency in your product listing so that poential buyers actually get a feel for the seller.

5. When prerishable goods are offered, it is essetnial that the auction be kept open for a very short period. For example, if mangoes are to be auctioned, you caannot keep the Action open for more than a day or two at the most. Also for these goods, remeber to satte that delivery be regional only! This is to aoid complications and mistaken bids later on.

Making Mony on Ebay
Finally you cannot go by the price alone as monhly revenue begins to loom large towards the end. In such cases, if your expecttaion isnt met but crossed the reserve pricce you may close the bid and award the highest bidder. You will still make some omney on that product! Remember, making moneey on Ebay is not about selling a few proucts at a huge profit, it is about selling in mass volume at marginally thin profits! Look at all the Ebay Power Sellers! Remember, anone can become an Ebay Power Seller. All you need is a good guide to selling on ebay and a good foundation. Start Your Ebay Business today!

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