mardi 16 juin 2015

Nike Requin she would hurry home from school

The girl seemed born to sing. She had such a perfect sense of pitch that in her later years, she could tell when one player out of an entire orchestra played a wrong note. She never took singing lessons and she never learned to read music � she learned �by ear. "
At the age of fourteen, the young girl developed gland trouble, which caused her to gain weight. As she continued to gain,the children at school began to tease her. Upset, she would hurry home from school, shut herself in her room and cry. This pattern continued and her family worried about her spending so much time alone. Her grandmother urged her to forget about her weight and to concentrate on developing her lovely voice.
She took her grandmother's advice, and before long she Nike Tn Pas Cher was winning prizes at the amateur nights put on by the local theater. More than anything Nike TN else, the girl wanted to become a professional singer, but her parents thought it would be better if she studied nursing. They thought her enormous size might be too much of a handicap for a successful stage career.
She started nurses' training, but she longed to be singing instead. Finally, she decided to give up nursing and pursue her dreams. In her heart, she believed that people would for-get her looks when they heard her voice.
She went to Broadway and soon she got a small part in a musical comedy. She was thrilled with the opportunity to sing, but she was cast with a man whose part called for him to make jokes about her weight.The jokes brought down the house with laughter. The young woman was deeply hurt inside, but she refused to give up. She had signed a contract and so she stayed with the show through its run on Broadway.
One night,she received a note backstage saying that a man would like to see her. At first she was afraid TN Pas Cher it might be one of those jokers who delighted in taking her to a fancy restaurant, urging her to eat a great deal,and then laughing with his friends about it later.But the man who wanted to see her that night changed her life.
He was Ted Collins,of the Columbia Record Company. He became her manager and lifelong friend, encouraging and guiding her through the many happy years of her subsequent singing career.
First, she made records for Columbia. Later, her big op-opportunity came when she was asked to broadcast a radio show. Soon, the whole country was singing her theme song, "When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain. " And it was her rendition of �God Bless America" that made it America's "second national anthem. "

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